We have officially completed Week 21 of chemo. We are on the downhill slide and we could not be more excited about it.
This week Cade is currently inpatient waiting on his counts to rise. His spirits are up, his stomach feels good, and he is getting a little antsy in a hospital room. My sister and cousin came in town to help with the girls, and it has been a very encouraging week, filled (for me at least) with a lot of laughter. That is such a gift!
We are hoping Cade will be discharged in the next few days. We are anticipating that his next 5 day chemo will be delayed until the week after next, and I am looking so forward to a week of having him home without any chemo.
Here are some practical prayer points for this week:
1. Strength for Cade's body: our oncologist is encouraging activity for Cade to build back up his strength and stamina. Staying in a hospital bed for basically two weeks and for basically the months since we began these five days has resulted in a very different level of activity for him. Please pray he wants to play, and we have wisdom on when to encourage him to be more active.
2. No more stomach pain, acid issues, or vomit for Cade: we are on a new medication to help eliminate build up of stomach acid, and I am praying that Cade will be able to experience food, life, and activity without having stomach issues. That has been his number one issue the past few months, and has inhibited a lot of his activity and joy.
3. Total health in Cade's entire body: please continue to pray that every single cancer cell is killed (if they aren't already) and that the final 20 rounds of chemo do their job in a perfectly succinct way. I keep praying that this protocol does EXACTLY what the oncologists wanted it to do when they developed it, and nothing that it isn't supposed to do. So far, it has proven to do just that. We are so thankful!
Thank you for all your prayers and support!
That's a good message right there....I definitely take that independent spirit to heart. Been fighting that my whole life! Blessings on you for your ability to pour out to others what you are learning. It encourages, teaches, and gently reminds us of how much we need Him daily/hourly and moment by moment.