Below is a video update Chad and I made. First, we are SO thankful for every person who has adopted us into their prayer life. As we head into the second half of treatment, we have been feeling an invitation to step up our faith, our hope, and our expectation in the next 18 weeks. We would love for you to be part of that journey with us. Thank you so much for the ways you encourage and pray for our family.
Tuesday Fasting: Early on in treatment we asked people to fast on Thursdays with us for Cade, as most of his treatments were actually scheduled on Thursdays. After scans, however, we actually switched to an oncologist closer to our house and now most of Cade's chemos will be delivered on Monday and Tuesdays (unless they are five day chemos). We are asking people to join in fasting in whatever capacity you can, whether its breakfast and lunch that day, social media, or TV. In ways that still are so mysterious to me, fasting does a million things in one simple act. It changes my heart, my appetites, and focuses my prayer life, my thought life, and my expectation. And meanwhile, according to examples like Esther, Daniel, and even Jesus Himself, it also moves God's heart. I am learning to love it, and actually look forward to it. We might seem crazy to ask it, but I know I have friends crazy enough to join us in it.
Specific Prayer Points:
1. Cade's energy and enthusiasm to be up for the next 18 weeks
2. Our family to thrive in the middle of hopsital stays
3. The remaining major chemo groups (we have about 5 left) to not harm Cade's long term health
Thank you so much for praying for us!
As I watched your video, your ceiling kept standing out to me because the way it is situated behind you looks like the Superman crest!! Praying Superman strength for you all!!