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Fasting Week 5 and Video Devo

We are beginning day 2 of a 5 day treatment today, and I am thankful we get to fast today. After we made this video last night, Cade did end up throwing up in the middle of the night, and all the same anxiety and dread seemed to sweep over all of us. I find myself always praying the most childishly simple prayers, "Holy Spirit, help us", over and over again.

I read a book last week that was fascinating and insightful, if not a little bit hard to even believe. Either way, I've noticed how this author's perception and gift of "seeing" in the spiritual has affected how I am relating to life. There is an entire reality beyond what we can see with our two eyes, "our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, the authorities, the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places," as Paul says. I've heard that verse for so long it can become normal, but if I really READ it, I am stunned. I am compelled to learn, to ask God for help, and to pray that my eyes get opened up so I can live with that reality.

Last night when we were trying to go back to sleep after mopping up chemo-covered sheets, my stomach was in knots of anxiety again. I was slipping back into the old routine of anxiety and dread when I suddenly felt like I could actually have peace- if I would just agree with God that those physical things are under His control and dominion. I am having trouble explaining it all,  but basically I felt like He gave me a secret weapon of peace and let me use His name to get the darkness to flee. "Resist the devil and he will flee from you," James 4:7. I'd rather not have to learn how to fight, and I'd rather just live in total peace and passivity. But this whole situation has made me very aware that we are in the middle of a war for our hearts. I have no option but to fight.

When I woke up this morning for my quiet time, 2 Timothy 2 was in my Bible reading plan, and it was full of charges like "endure hardship like a good soldier", and "patiently endure suffering", all verses I'd rather were cut out of the Bible. But they are bolstering up my heart today, knowing suffering comes in all shapes and sizes, and that there is reward on the other side of it for all of us who walk this road with God.

As we continue this week with chemo, we are still asking for grace for Cade:

1. No gag reflex causing vomit, not chemo-induced nausea, and no loss of appetite. Cade's got a pretty dramatic gag reflex lately, and half the time thats the true culprit behind why he is sick. Please pray his food stays in, and his stomach has peace!

2. Please pray protection over Cade's kidney, his heart, his lungs, his organs as a whole and his body. I was so encouraged last week when I was starting to dread chemo again. I felt like the Lord reminded me of a random verse in 1 Timothy 4, "For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer." Chemo fits under this description- something that is received with thanksgiving, made holy by the word of God and prayer. 

3. Please pray for Cade's heart to stay happy, full of hope, and resilient! May he NOT have to be inpatient after this chemo round as well. 

Thank you all for praying! 


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